Kalung anu dikonfiris artistik - restating kentel pikeun asesoris awéwé

Katerangan pondok:

Ngenalkeun kaingpin argik anu kustunganana anu kustungan sareng campuran anu sampurna, fungsitas anu sampurna, sareng éksprési pribadi. If you're looking to add a touch of uniqueness to your accessories, this keychain is the ideal choice for women who love bold, vibrant designs and customization options.

  • Nomer modél:Yf25b25
  • Jenis logam:Syroy
  • Plating:Chrome plated
  • UkurannaUkuran adat
  • Logo:Logo khusus
  • Jénmén produk

    Tag produk

    Ngenalkeun kaingpin argik anu kustunganana anu kustungan sareng campuran anu sampurna, fungsitas anu sampurna, sareng éksprési pribadi. If you're looking to add a touch of uniqueness to your accessories, this keychain is the ideal choice for women who love bold, vibrant designs and customization options.

    Barang Yf25b25
    Material Syroy
    Pelapak Chrome plated
    Warna Warna adat
    Gaya Mode
    Oén Ditarima
    Pangiriman Kira-kira 25-30 dinten
    Resin adat ngagiling alouth anu kalung artér senier Awéwé anu sangat hadiah anu dipercaya ku hadiah awéwé adat anu diropéa

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  • Produk anu aya hubunganana